Creflo Dollar Defends Snoop’s Gospel Album

Creflo Dollar Defends Snoop’s Gospel Album

It seems Snoop Dogg has a fan in controversial megachurch preacher Creflo Dollar. The popular pastor rebuked his congregation recently about judging Snoop for his recent gospel effort The Bible Of Love. Despite the support of several gospel artists who appeared on the release with him, including gospel stalwarts like John P. Kee, The Clark Sisters, Kim Burrell and Tye Tribbert, the project has been received with its fair share of controversy.

The Christian Post reports:

Preaching on “The Spirit of Grace” on Sunday, Dollar pointed out that the church should not be about focusing on one’s sins but on God’s grace. He further pointed to the church’s reaction to Snoop Dogg as a perfect example of how judgmental Christians can be of people who fail to meet a perceived standard of righteousness.

’m gonna say something publicly. I don’t know if I’m really correct in saying this but I want to say something publicly. Recently, a man in California, he’s a rapper, in fact, he’s known as a legend, they call him, I think his nickname is Snoop Dogg. He just released a gospel album to minister to people because his grandmamma ministered to him and he had it on the inside of him. Isn’t it sad that he received rejection and flak and ‘how y’all gon’ support somebody like this after what they did and what they said?’ What’s wrong with us?” Dollar asked.

Snoop Dogg, whose real name is Calvin Broadus and is known for promoting a licentious lifestyle, released his double gospel album called The Bible of Love last month to much controversy, despite his claim that he is a changed man.

The Post also reported that Snoop was upset with the church criticism he’s received.

The devil is a liar. I thought church was supposed to welcome sinners,” he told TV One. “If you find someone trying to find their way back home, the natural thing would be to accept him with open arms. We not gonna throw stones while you trying to get right and walking back into the church house.

“That’s what’s running people away from church right now as we speak: We’re trying to get people back in church with a different perspective of come as you are, show love. We show love, we give love,” he continued. “What about you? Have you checked your status? Are you going to Heaven? Why are you judging me? How much have you done for the Lord?”

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