National Hanging Out Day
Each year on April 19, Project Laundry List works with hundreds of other organizations to sponsor National Hanging Out Day.This day was set aside as a day to encourage communities to learn about the benefits, both financially and environmentally, of using a clothesline for drying laundry.According to Project Laundry Lists’ website, clothes dryers account for an astonishing six to ten percent of residential energy consumption.Hanging your clothes out has several benefits:
Good for the environment.
Saves you money
It is therapeutic because being outdoors in the fresh air has benefits to your health.
Celebrate National Hanging Out Day by hanging out your clothes to dry and sharing your pictures on social media using #NationalHangingOutDay.
National Hanging Out Day has been sponsored by Project Laundry List along with other organizations since 1995.Project Laundry List is a New Hampshire-based group that wants to encourage outdoor drying of clothes, “making air-drying laundry and cold-water washing acceptable and desirable as simple and effective ways to save energy,” as quoted from their mission statement.