National Frappe Day

National Frappe Day

National Frappe Day on October 7th honors a versatile drink with numerous combinations, so there are flavors to suit everyone. Frappes typically are blended drinks made with either coffee or espresso and topped with whipped cream.

.A Frappe may also refer to.

Frappe coffee – a blended coffee beverage

A frozen fruit-flavored dessert made with shaved ice

A milkshake

Any blended frozen beverage, including a more savory drink made with clam juice

Recipes for coffee frappes can be found in the late 1890s. These blended beverages refreshed and delighted. Adding cream gave the beverages a smoother texture. Even a blended, frozen tea on a warm day took on a whole new flavor.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalFrappeDay

If you missed National Coffee Day, make up for it with this celebration. Stop by your favorite coffee shop and enjoy a Frappe with a friend.

Use #NationalFrappeDay to post on social media.


National Day Calendar continues researching the origins of this beverage holiday.

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